Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yummy Ravioli!

Haley had a battle with some ravioli the other night. She loved it and got super messy. But, as my dad would say, " she was happier than a pig in slop". I think the Ravioli won!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Callawy Gardens 2007

This year we were able to go on the Hubbard family vacation. All 14 of us went to Callway Gardens in Pine Mountain Georgia for a week.

All of the Hubbard Family.

Lovey and Pop came to visit for a couple of days too.

After we ate at the yummy buffet one night, Haley had fun outside looking at the fish in the fish pond and exploring.

She learned how to play tennis.

At 5 a.m. on July 4th Haley woke up with a fever. We ended up at the ER late that afternoon. Her fever was 104.5. They said she had a viral infection and sent us home. After a few days of Tylenol and Motrin she was back to her self.

We are very thankful that nothing else was wrong with our sweet baby girl. Praise God!

We tried Haley out on the back of Mommy's bike. She wasn't a big fan. Maybe next time.=)

One day we did pottery. Haley got a little restless since she couldn't particpate so Neetsy and Mommy took turns taking her next door to 'Rockin Robbins'. There we played on all kinds of different cars and other rides.

Haley with her Great Pappy.

Our sweet little family on the last day at Callaway.