I just love my precious little baby. See the resemblance?=) She was enjoying watching the boys put up the basket ball goal. Mommy and Haley gave Daddy a basketball goal for his birthday. He was very pleasantly surprised.
Apparently the baby food tastes better when you lick it off the tray.This is an example of her prebedtime nap. Happens almost every night about an hour and a half before she goes to bed. She takes her little power nap for bedtime. Cute!=) When Haley woke up from her nap one day, this is how her hair looked. Nice bed head!=) This is just a cute carseat picture. What can I say, she's precious!=)
She's beautiful no matter what!! Even if she is wearing a "Baby Dolly Parton" dress. Don't worry, we didn't leave the house in it. Just took the picture and left it at that.
Haley has started eating "solid" food now. We have mastered rice cereal, applesauce, bananas, and are working on sweet potatoes. This first picture is what baby sweet potatoes look like. The second is the rice cereal, a little less visible.=)
I am a stay at home Mom of 2 precious girls, Haley and Hannah.I also love to cook for my family and friends. S0, I thought this would be a fun way to fill you in on what's cooking at our house!=)