Haley's first trip up to Great Pappy's lake house. She loved being outside! We love these naps after car rides. This was my attempt to have my own photo session. She wasn't too excited about it. As you might have guessed, the session ended really quick!=) We love our "Soothie" binky boo (aka pacifire). Where I came up with binky boo is a mystery. I'm sure the lack of sleep and early morning feedings played a part in the naming of the wonderful invention.=) And this, my friends, is what happens when you go on an hour long walk! VICTORY!
Our first walk in the neighborhood.She likes her new sling. She gets to stay snuggled up and warm next to mommy when she's in it. So who thinks they are this flexible?=) Our first bath at home. She screamed through the entire thing, but slept great afterwards.=)
Here I am at 3:15 Tuesday morning, waiting to be admitted to the hospital after my water broke at 2:45 on Tuesday Morning. Here she is Haley Elizabeth Hubbard. She entered the world at 1:16p.m. on May 2, 2006. She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz and was 20 inches long. How cute is she!!! We can't get enough of her. What a precious face!=)
I am a stay at home Mom of 2 precious girls, Haley and Hannah.I also love to cook for my family and friends. S0, I thought this would be a fun way to fill you in on what's cooking at our house!=)